Support your favorite charity by shopping with AmazonSmile

AmazonSmile LogoWe love working with non-profit organizations. It’s fun to see how our web and social media efforts help them grow and create more awareness for their cause. This is why I wanted to write about Amazon Smile.

If you’ve never heard of it, it’s a way for you to support your favorite charity when you shop at Amazon with no extra cost to you. Amazon donates 0.5% of the price of your eligible Amazon purchases to the charitable organization of your choice. AmazonSmile will remember your selected charity every time you log in but you can change your selection at any time.

I encourage non-profits to sign up for AmazonSmile. Remember, signing up alone will not automatically help increase funds to your organization. You need to put in the effort to get the message out to your audience to use AmazonSmile for their purchases and select your charity. Great ways to do that include periodically mentioning it on social media, writing about it in email newsletters, creating a blog post, and being creative with other tools you may be using to get the word out.

To start shopping at AmazonSmile go to

About Tabytha

Tabytha leads our team in programming and database functionality and specializes in creating custom web apps, writing secure code, and handling sensitive data. Read More About Tabytha.

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