Our Work

Living on the Cheap

Living on the Cheap (LOTC) is a national network of websites that provides its readers with tips for living well on less, plus the latest deals and freebies from retailers and restaurants in their local area. A crucial part of this mission is letting their followers know about upcoming events and promotions in a way that makes it easy for them to find what they are looking for. We have provided technical support and WordPress maintenance services to the Living on the Cheap network since 2014. In 2015, we developed a custom WordPress event calendar plugin that would make it easier for their sites to add and manage upcoming events.

Web Services
  • Custom Web Development
  • Web Development
  • Web Security & Maintenance
  • Wordpress Websites
  • Media / Advertising

The Custom Event Calendar was a “wish-list” project for Living On The Cheap after we converted to a new network-wide theme… In essence, the custom plugin has given our publishers and editors more time to focus on content and marketing. That, in turn, allows us to further monetize our sites and generate additional income. The bottom line is that the Custom Event Calendar Plugin was well worth the investment.

- Laura Daily & Teresa Mears, Managing Partners

The Challenge

Living on the Cheap (LOTC) is a national network of websites that provides its readers with tips for living well on less, plus the latest deals and freebies from retailers and restaurants in their local area. A crucial part of this mission is letting their followers know about upcoming events and promotions in a way that makes it easy for them to find what they are looking for.

We have been providing technical support and maintenance services to the Living on the Cheap network since 2014. Because of this relationship, they came to us in late 2015 with an idea for a custom WordPress event calendar plugin that would make it easier for them to enter and manage upcoming events. The solution needed to be scalable and easy for website publishers to implement and maintain. While publishers did not need to have a large amount of control over customization, each one of them has a unique way of adding and managing their content. The new plugin needed to be flexible.

Living on the Cheap events showcased on tablet.

Our Solution

  • Built from the ground up to meet their needs without having to force a pre-built solution to fit.
  • Allows publishers to attach multiple events to existing posts.
  • Supports venues, neighborhoods, and pricing, depending on the type of event.
  • Includes dynamic embedded Google Maps for attached venues.
  • Recurring functionality for daily, weekly, monthly, or even annual events.
  • Since this is a custom plugin, we are able to easily add or modify features as needed.
Living on the Cheap Events Plugin showcased with different screens.