Never in a million years did I think I would have a summer like this one. A summer filled with office pranks, adorable dogs, and Pokemon. So. Much. Pokemon. I am 21 and have worked in five internships since I was 18. None of them have been the same as each other, but to say this one was different would be a giant understatement.
I am originally from this area, but currently attend Colorado State University. I had intended on staying in Colorado for the summer, but plans ended up falling through and I realized how much simpler life is as a poor college student when you don’t have to pay rent and you have a mother who cooks you meals and does all your laundry. So I decided to stay home for the summer, take classes, and attempt to find a job. I had always driven by LMG and saw their sign that read “Marketing” and “Social Media”. I have previous experience in both, so I decided to say, “Why not?” and emailed Mia asking for a summer internship.
Honestly, when I first started, I didn’t even know for sure what Lee Media Group did. Obviously they built websites and did marketing for other companies. But it still didn’t make sense to me. How hard is it to create a website and market a business? That’s all this place does? That sounds easy, they probably only work a few hours a week then. I very quickly learned how incredibly wrong I was. The people who work here put so much thought and time into their work to do whatever they possibly can to make sure every single client or customer they interact and work with is as happy as they can possibly be. All of the clients they work with are people who are so passionate about what they do. I realized that the overall job Lee Media Group holds is to help them tell others about their clients’ incredible businesses, whether it be on a logo, a website, social media outlet or any other marketing form.In order for Lee Media Group to share these clients’ passions with the world, a lot of time and work is spent to create the best possible outcome for every single customer. That time is usually spent in meetings, brainstorming creative marketing ideas, doing research, spending hours in WordPress, or sketching and creating designs in Photoshop. Lee Media Group is one of the most dedicated work families I have ever met.
So what did I even learn here? Did this summer even benefit me?
I learned how to run a contest, which resulted in me learning way more about Pokemon that I ever thought I would need to know. Seriously, if someone ever told me that one day I would get paid to learn about Pokemon, I would deem them as a crazy person. I learned how to run a Facebook ad, which caused me to also learn that the idea you’ve thought of in your head doesn’t always turn out as successful in real life as you’d hoped it would be. This also helped me realize that people aren’t always going to like your ideas as much as you, so flexibility and the willingness to alter an idea is extremely important. I learned how to work as a team, my fellow intern Katie and I worked on a few projects together and had so much fun bouncing ideas off of each other. I learned the importance of developing a relationship with coworkers, I really believe that if they all weren’t as close as they are, then this office wouldn’t run as smoothly and impressively as it does. Lastly, I learned so much about myself through every single person here. All of the LMG employees possess qualities I hope and strive to gain one day.
Looking back at this summer and at this incredibly long and wordy post I’ve just written, I could conclude that, yeah, I’ve learned a thing or two from this summer. Now I just have to learn how to say goodbye to a summer filled with wonderful memories and wonderful people.
Thank you, Lee Media Group.
Holly, The Other Summer Intern
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