How FoundationPress Can Be a Developer’s Best Friend

What is FoundationPress?

The purpose of FoundationPress, is to act as a small and handy toolbox that contains the essentials needed to build any design. FoundationPress is meant to be a starting point, not the final product.

FoundationPress is a fantastic template for WordPress built using Zurb’s Foundation framework. It’s ridiculously easy to customize, responsive, well documented, and open source. So, there are plenty of user created add-ons and features that are easy to use on your own site. It is widely known as the best framework available. The most effective way to take advantage of Foundation is by implementing SCSS (Sassy Cascading Style Sheet).

Before getting started, you will need Git and Node.JS already installed on your server. In most cases, your server tech can easily handle this. For tips on how to get FoundationPress up and running, check out FoundationPress on GitHub.

The best part is…it’s all free!

How Lee Media Group Uses It

We design and build custom websites for all of our clients to fit their exact wants and needs. To help us with development time, we use FoundationPress. That is because using a framework drastically cuts back on the coding time needed for things such as column positioning and responsive layouts. FoundationPress uses a 12 column-based format. So a developer is able to easily specify how large or small each column should be. This makes placing elements on a site much easier, and since its responsive you are able to set column size for large, medium, and small screens.

With the use of FoundationPress’ Kitchen Sink, we are able to easily implement many custom features such as:

  • Accordians
  • Breadcrumbs
  • Buttons
  • Drilldown and Dropdown menus
  • Equalizers
  • Grids
  • Media Objects
  • Menus
  • Motion UI
  • Pagination
  • Progress Bars
  • and many other tools


About Tabytha

Tabytha leads our team in programming and database functionality and specializes in creating custom web apps, writing secure code, and handling sensitive data. Read More About Tabytha.

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