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New Rose Hill Chamber Website Offers a Unique Benefit to Small Business Owners

Written By Tabytha Rourke Lead Web Developer at Lee Media Group

Recently, the Rose Hill Chamber of Commerce rolled out a new website that features a unique perk for chamber members – a small business website system. The revolutionary design has a multitude of benefits including a chat feature and ad-sponsored revenue opportunities. The small business website system was built exclusively for Rose Hill, but the model itself would be an asset for any chamber organization in the United States.

Designed and built exclusively by Lee Media Group, the system provides strategies to help local businesses grow their online visibility by giving them a set of tools to effectively market and promote their products and services. This is especially beneficial for the business owner who may have an outdated website or no online presence at all.

The chamber website system is leading the way for other communities. It’s a great way to support the city and small business owners at the same time. ~Jason Jones, President Rose Hill Chamber of Commerce

Website System Defined
This site was custom-built using the WordPress framework. It serves a dual purpose for the community of Rose Hill. The main hub contains information that can only be accessed by administrators of the Chamber of Commerce. Inside the hub, web developers at Lee Media Group created mini-sites where business owners can log in and customize their own content. These mini sites are still supported and maintained within the framework of the Rose Hill Chamber of Commerce.

Benefits of the Website System

  • Free to paid members
  • Monthly ad sponsorship opportunities help cover the cost to support the maintenance of the website, and provide training to new members
  • Membership becomes more attractive to local businesses
  • Each member page has a distinct URL for improved search engine optimization
  • Large businesses that already have a web presence (WalMart, Dillons, Applebees, etc.) can buy membership to anchor themselves to the community
  • Includes the ability to add/update pictures, list of services, job postings and other specialized information with ease
  • Built in chat feature
  • Training and technical support is included

Small Business Content Options
Simply by paying the annual chamber membership fee, small business owners can create their own mini site with up to four pages of content. Options for page content include:

  • Now Hiring
  • Blog
  • Services
  • Products
  • Meet the Team
  • Events Calendar

Lee Media Group presented Rose Hill Chamber officials with the website system idea in December 2014. Leaders quickly realized the benefit it would provide to small business owners in their community and approval was given almost immediately. Revenue raised through affordable ad sponsorship is used to pay for monthly maintenance and security updates.

I have worked with the Rose Hill Chamber for 5 years and since the new website has launched I have seen more interest from the community than ever before. The idea that a business can have their own profile to log into and personalize has drawn many new businesses to the Chamber. They’re invested in the process and have more control over what their Chamber Membership can do for them. ~Christina Zenner, Chamber Organizer

Lee Media Group is excited their hometown of Rose Hill has the distinction of being the first chamber to adopt the website system, but they certainly hope it’s not the last. They’re eager for other city leaders to see the site in action and inquire about how they can provide the same service in their communities.

If you would like to find out more about the small business website system, call Morgan at (316) 239-6466.

Written By Tabytha Rourke

With over 15 years of experience, Tabytha is the driving force behind our web team. She oversees web projects, manages our dedicated web server, and specializes in building highly functional websites and custom web solutions. Read More About Tabytha